Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Notification Digest

Empire Avenue
Daily Earnings Summary
Your Daily Summary

Earnings: 52.79e
Dividends/Investment Earnings: 0e
Other Earnings: 0e
You spent: 0e

Shareholder Mail (Daily Summary)
Victor Athayde | @vathayde has sent you a message entitled "10K Follow my INSTAGRAM @victorathayde and Likes My Fanpage".
Ber|Art Visual Design SOCIAL MEDIA & SEO has sent you a message entitled "10K Promote.".
Terri Nakamura has sent you a message entitled "25,000e for a MEANINGFUL blog post comment and share".
Marc Toovey has sent you a message entitled "Kickstarter - Elite: Dangerous".
Jerry Chess has sent you a message entitled "Retweet Funny Pic for 2,000e".
Marcome Music has sent you a message entitled "5000e to +1 bomb Zaibatsu's G+ Page".
Sean R. Nicholson has sent you a message entitled "5000 - Check out my latest blog post on teens and social media".
Benaiah, LLC has sent you a message entitled "Vote for our new shirts! :)".
Michelle #techieminx Harris has sent you a message entitled "10k for a comment on a blog post about customer service".
[Z] Reg Saddler has sent you a message entitled "10,000e To like bomb my Facebook Page".
@HollyJahangiri #XBar #SocialEmpire has sent you a message entitled "+5000 to READ, COMMENT ON, and SHARE a Short Story".
@HollyJahangiri #XBar #SocialEmpire has sent you a message entitled "+5000 to read and comment on my "Next Big Thing" - a Goal for 2013 ".
John Thomson has sent you a message entitled "Use These Eaves to Buy My Shares".
��� Art Jonak ��� has sent you a message entitled "(e)BOBW crossed the 600e mark! Here's 3000e FREE. . . ".
��� Art Jonak ��� has sent you a message entitled "(e)BRETZKE crossed the 500e mark! Here's 2000e FREE. . . ".
Mollee Bauer has sent you a message entitled "Get eaves for helping to create early readers!".
ClubSocialJunction has sent you a message entitled "Like our charity page please".
��� The Social Media Cafe ��� Training���Management���Strategy���07976 80881 has sent you a message entitled "We are very excited... we are starting 2013 as a gold dea member which is".
Alzheimer's Reading Room has sent you a message entitled "Earn 10,000 (e) for G+1 or Share".
(e)PAWP has sent you a message entitled "New Year = New Passwords (RT mission)".
Do not reply to this e-mail it has been automatically generated. Manage your email settings.

Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Empire Avenue Inc. All rights reserved.
Suite 12500, 10104-103 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 1V3, Canada!

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