Monday, April 30, 2012

Notification Digest

Empire Avenue
Daily Earnings Summary
Your Daily Summary

Earnings: 47.05e
Dividends/Investment Earnings: 0e
Other Earnings: 0e
You spent: 0e

Shareholder Mail (Daily Summary)
��� The Social Media Cafe ��� Training ��� Management ��� Strategy has sent you a message entitled "3 things you should never forget to take...".
��� The Social Media Cafe ��� Training ��� Management ��� Strategy has sent you a message entitled "3 things you should never forget to take...".
Jordan Hodges @jordanshodges has sent you a message entitled "The Swing: A Reminder to Find Your Purpose".
@HollyJahangiri #XBar #SocialEmpire has sent you a message entitled "Share on LinkedIN! ".
@HollyJahangiri #XBar #SocialEmpire has sent you a message entitled "Tweet Me Up!".
Dr. Ron Capps has sent you a message entitled "Today's SSM Broadcast".
Matthew Kowalski has sent you a message entitled "Mission 19 The Missions I Like".
Bob Warren ResumeBear has sent you a message entitled "2500 Eaves for a Comment".
Sal C. has sent you a message entitled "Please LIKE my YouTube Video".
(e)REACT has sent you a message entitled "2500 eave payout - Twitter Mission".
Do not reply to this e-mail it has been automatically generated. Manage your email settings.

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Empire Avenue Inc. All rights reserved.
Suite 339, 14032 23rd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T6R 3L6, Canada

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Notification Digest

Empire Avenue
Daily Earnings Summary
Your Daily Summary

Earnings: 47.07e
Dividends/Investment Earnings: 0e
Other Earnings: 0e
You spent: 0e

Shareholder Mail (Daily Summary)
(e)AJAX1NL has sent you a message entitled "Facebook Fan Page Likes 2000 Eaves".
(e)AJAX1NL has sent you a message entitled "Facebook likes 2000 Eaves".
Andreas Wiedow has sent you a message entitled "Commission Free . . .".
@HollyJahangiri #XBar #SocialEmpire has sent you a message entitled "Easy Retweet!".
@HollyJahangiri #XBar #SocialEmpire has sent you a message entitled "LinkedIN? Share this with a friend, please!".
[X] @humantrader Pacres el Toro has sent you a message entitled "Ooka Island - If you have young family members".
[X] Laurie DesAutels #XBAR has sent you a message entitled "+K on Topic KLOUT and RED BULL for 3000".
Chris Pirillo has sent you a message entitled "Video of me trying Ice Cream Sandwich".
David Jacobs has sent you a message entitled "G+: Self-bending Light Boomerangs: Drug Flashlights, Curvier Precision Surgery, 3D Projection, Invisible Display Visors".
Sean R. Nicholson has sent you a message entitled "2,000 - Help Me Define The Ingredients For The Social Media "Secret Sauce"".
[X] Mike Bazaluk has sent you a message entitled "RT A Cloudy week?".
Brent Knowles has sent you a message entitled "Thank you (e)DANCINGDOG for the review!".
Do not reply to this e-mail it has been automatically generated. Manage your email settings.

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Empire Avenue Inc. All rights reserved.
Suite 339, 14032 23rd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T6R 3L6, Canada

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Notification Digest

Empire Avenue
Daily Earnings Summary
Your Daily Summary

Earnings: 69.08e
Dividends/Investment Earnings: 0e
Other Earnings: 0e
You spent: 0e

Shareholder Mail (Daily Summary)
Terri Nakamura has sent you a message entitled "2500e Like bomb a Facebook Page for Reg (He's outta town)".
��� The Social Media Cafe ��� Training ��� Management ��� Strategy has sent you a message entitled "Share you tips for getting the best out of a trade show".
Nate LaClaire has sent you a message entitled "1000e for a retweet or mention".
Chris Pirillo has sent you a message entitled "Technology Isn���t Going to Report Itself".
Casey Carter has sent you a message entitled "5k Big Ones For Liking Facebook Page! ".
Brent Knowles has sent you a message entitled "Thank you (e)BIS for the review!".
Twan Vrints has sent you a message entitled "2000 eaves like & comment MISSION".
heykim has sent you a message entitled "OH MY! Fire at the MCDonald's drive through! ".
[X] Jeff Turner has sent you a message entitled "2000e to Watch My Show".
Chris Pirillo has sent you a message entitled "Come to the Dork Side of the Force".
@HollyJahangiri #XBar #SocialEmpire has sent you a message entitled "Like Bomb Me to Sleep!".
(e)AJAX1NL has sent you a message entitled "Facebook Fan Page Likes 2000 Eaves".
(e)AJAX1NL has sent you a message entitled "Facebook likes".
CHRIS VOSS has sent you a message entitled "2000e Retweet Share Mission".
Bob Warren ResumeBear has sent you a message entitled "2500 For Your Opinion...".
Mick Say has sent you a message entitled "Share on your networks please ".
Do not reply to this e-mail it has been automatically generated. Manage your email settings.

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Empire Avenue Inc. All rights reserved.
Suite 339, 14032 23rd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T6R 3L6, Canada

Friday, April 27, 2012

Notification Digest

Empire Avenue
Daily Earnings Summary
Your Daily Summary

Earnings: 73.24e
Dividends/Investment Earnings: 0e
Other Earnings: 0e
You spent: 0e

Shareholder Mail (Daily Summary)
(e)AJAX1NL has sent you a message entitled "Facebook likes".
Darin Sullivan #TeamZen @darinsullivan09 has sent you a message entitled "Mission - fullyfollowme".
heykim has sent you a message entitled "TWO heads are better than ONE ".
Darin Sullivan #TeamZen @darinsullivan09 has sent you a message entitled "Visit and follow = $2500e !!".
Dillon Rhodes Architectural Designer has sent you a message entitled "4000e- 1 yr on EA & Commission Free!".
Louie Baur has sent you a message entitled "What was the last movie that you rented?".
Chris Pirillo has sent you a message entitled "Want to Talk Data Caps? Consider My Hide Chapped".
Avram Gonzales @AvramGonzales #InspirACTION has sent you a message entitled "4,000e for YT Likes (support a great cause)".
Marc Toovey has sent you a message entitled "0%".
MintyFreshGames has sent you a message entitled "MintyFreshGames on Tumblr!".
MintyFreshGames has sent you a message entitled "+K for MintyFreshGames".
MintyFreshGames has sent you a message entitled "MintyFreshGames on Twitter!".
MintyFreshGames has sent you a message entitled "MintyFreshGames on Facebook!".
Chris Pirillo has sent you a message entitled "Espresso Cam Debut!".
Insider Perks has sent you a message entitled "Mission Blitz".
Bob Warren ResumeBear has sent you a message entitled "2500 Eaves For Your Favorite College Bar :)".
[X] @humantrader Pacres el Toro has sent you a message entitled "Mission #28 - The Road to 1,000,000".
Do not reply to this e-mail it has been automatically generated. Manage your email settings.

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Empire Avenue Inc. All rights reserved.
Suite 339, 14032 23rd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T6R 3L6, Canada