Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Notification Digest

Empire Avenue
Daily Earnings Summary
Your Daily Summary

Earnings: 89.51e
Dividends/Investment Earnings: 36963.75e
Other Earnings: 763.34e
You spent: 0e

Shareholder Mail (Daily Summary)
#xBar #TeamZen James Moss has sent you a message entitled "Love these new Missions....".
Lars Andersson has sent you a message entitled "I have too unique gifts for my shareholders!".
Mark Wing has sent you a message entitled "Breaking the glass ceiling".
Josh @iDreamDigital has sent you a message entitled "Like this Facebook page for 1000 eavs!".
Marco Polo has sent you a message entitled "** Reward Mission #8 has arrived!**".
[X] Adriel Hampton #XBAR has sent you a message entitled "If you really liked me ...".
[X] Dawn Dawson has sent you a message entitled "Occupy Wall Street Quest - San Fran to WTC".
MediaDeals2U has sent you a message entitled "I'll Buy 150 Shares in You If you Retweet Me".
JB Tech Support (@JBTS) has sent you a message entitled "Subscribe to My Friends YouTube Channel".
��� Art Jonak ��� has sent you a message entitled "Mission Possible: 250,000 eaves reward (YES, 1/4 million eaves!)".
[X] Adriel Hampton #XBAR has sent you a message entitled "This message will self destruct ...".
Eliot Lawrence has sent you a message entitled "Vacation: Paris!".
William Pitcher has sent you a message entitled "Earn 5,000 Eaves by Joining the Charity Kiva (free)".
Todd Teske has sent you a message entitled "Mission #2, not my content, but always worth a read!".
Todd Teske has sent you a message entitled "Testing a new beta, click to earn eaves!".
Randy Gage has sent you a message entitled "Be Epic.".
Josh @iDreamDigital has sent you a message entitled "Like iDreamDigital and get 1000 free eavs. Easy-peasy!".
Do not reply to this e-mail it has been automatically generated. Manage your email settings.

Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Empire Avenue Inc. All rights reserved.
Suite 339, 14032 23rd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T6R 3L6, Canada

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